has been quite a unique one!
I have..
- seen both the City and the suburbs (Sydenham Hill and Beckenham, Kent)
- seen a road rage fight
- seen a nude cyclist protest
- lived in a London City hostel
- visited King's and Imperial College
- visited the British Museum and Library
- fed a pigeons off my hand
- had 2 pigeons on my head
- been to two of the art museums
- been to two churches, attended a service at St. Paul's Cathedral
- played in a video arcade
- watched a musical
- seen a male drag artist in a pub
Areas I have been to..
- Tottenham Court Road
- Oxford Street
- Soho
- Covent Garden
- Chinatown
- Picadilly Circus
- Trafalgar Square
- Buckingham Palace - St. James Park
- Westminister - Parliament House, Westminister Abbey, London Eye
- Waterloo
- London Bridge - London Bridge, King's College, Tate Modern, Millenium Bridge
- South Kensington - Hyde Park, Royal Albert Hall, Imperial College
- Knightsbridge - Harrods
- Outskirts of Kent - Beckenham, Penge
- Sydenham Hill
Hope to travel outside London in the days to come! Cambridge tomorrow!